Growing the Plants

There are three stages during the growth phase of cucumbers, seed to seedling, seedling to flowers and flowers to mature fruit culminating at the end of the growth phase.

The following pictures show the growth of the five varities of cucumber collectively growing from seedlings to mature cucumber producing plants.

I used the "square foot" gardening method and grew two plants in each square foot.  

Seedlings to flowers

I dug holes slightly larger than the seedling containers, added a handful of compost and worm castings.  I loosened the seedling's roots, placing them in the hole with the top of the seedling's container at the same level as the hole's surface. I then back-filled with the soil taken out, added additional compost and watered immediately.

This is a phase of rapid growth in which the seedlings produces vines that elongate rapidly.

November 1 – seedlings were planted

November 7 – Plants reaching lower level of the trellis (see section of creatin a micro-environment for cucumbers).


Nov.22. Stems reaching second trellis level being tied to trellis cables and trained to grow upwards.

Flowers to fruit fruiting production and hrvesting activities.

During the stage of flower production the rate of vine growth and associated foliage increase rapidly and requires rapid appropriate plant management to prevent uncontrlled growth that will influene fruit production and hamper harvesting activities.

December 2. Vigorous growth and flower production starting

At this date, some of the vines were already showing unchecked growth, and pruning became necessary to avoid uncontrolled growth.

cucmbers-unchecked-growth-IMG_2344.jpg December 29 -  the cucumber plants had grown vigorously with extensive foliage and flowers.


cucumber-growing-lots-flowersIMG_2362.jpg January 2.  All varieties were thriving which was encouraging. I also noticed that bees were actively polinating flowers indicating that my decision to replace the shadecloth sides of the baboon proof cage with chicked wire mesh was working.


January 28 - There was abundant fruit production on the lower levels of the pruned vines supported by the vines' upper areas' foliage.

A more detailed account of the growth of the different varieties grown follows in the next section.